Cycle Batch
Cycle Batch saves you time when submitting multiple payments at once. You are able to send and approve multiple off-cycle payments at once via a spreadsheet upload.
In order to be eligible for Cycle Batch, you need to have 'Secondary Approver' enabled on your account and must have elected for debit as your repayment method.
Steps to Complete a Batch Cycle Payment:
(1) Go to 'Cycle Batch'
*If you do not have access to 'Cycle Batch', please reach out to your DailyPay Account Manager for access.
(2) Download the Template
(3) Fill out the following columns in the template
- user_id: the employee's employee_ID, can be found in the 'Users' tab
- amount: the payment amount; should be in $XX.XX format
- account_number: user's direct deposit account number
- routing_number: user's direct deposit routing number
- optional_email: used to send payment notification email; if not included, we send the email to the one on file
- optional_notes: optional to include for internal reference
(4) Upload the file, make sure the file is saved as an .xlsx file
(5) All Full Permission Admins will get an email to approve the Cycle Batch Payment. All Payments submitted in a batch are approved or rejected at once.
Cycle Batch Statuses:
- Pending Approval: File is submitted and waiting for Secondary Approval. Payments have not yet been sent.
- Rejected: File was rejected by Secondary Approver. Payments will not be sent.
- Sent: File has been approved and all payments have been sent.
- Failed: File has validation errors. No payments in the file have been sent.
Processing: File was uploaded by an Admin and is being processed by DailyPay. The file is not yet available for approval.
Cycle Batch Limitations:
- Batch files are limited to 100 payments per file / $2k per Cycle payment
- Payments above $2k can be submitted as individual Cycle payments (with Secondary Approval turned either on for all payments or on for select payments. Read more here.)'
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